Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving~

Yes, it's me,....I got my computer back....yahhhhh! After I went to the library and posted that I was going to be down, I thought, boy that's pretty bad I had all that cleaning and baking to do, but I had to stop at the library to get on the computer to check out the blogs! I am addicted :)   Plus,.... I am at work now, blogging....ssssshhhhhhh, don't tell. :)

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Since I had my family last Sunday, I don't have to do anything tomorrow, but show up to eat and Hubby's folks. :)  I am off to do some shopping on Friday, Hubby goes with me every year, we actually have fun, but no getting up at 4:00 a.m. for me.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jodi,
Your Friday sounds fun. Yea, I wouldn't be getting up at any 4am either! My hubby and I will be at our old house cleaning it up and getting it ready to sell. That's what we have planned for Friday and Saturday. Hope we get a lot done.

Have a nice day tomorrow!
