I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I don't know about you, but I thought 2011 flew by so fast I hardly had time to blink! 2011 was good to us, we enjoyed some family time, Beka turned 14 and of course who can forget......the new addition of Bailey.....

But we also had some major changes in our lives in 2011....well,.....major, but not "really" major...well, ya....kind of "major". I don't know about where you are, but here in the midwest and in the town where we work, our economy is not the best. We are very fortunate, more than others, to have decent jobs and family close. But with the economy the way it is, our jobs are turning out to not be the best after all. Well, we all know how change is scary and especially when you have a family it's always on your mind to make the right decisions. But, before Christmas, my Hunny quit his job of 13 years to take on a new venture in life. This new position will provide us a good income and more financial security, but come with consequenses.....he will be out for weeks at a time but will get paid for his time off when he is able come home. Christmas and New Years was certainly a big change; we have only been apart probably 7 days in the 21 years we've been married. But, I am lucky though, I have family and good neighbors keeping an eye on me, there to lend a hand if needed.
Now, my goals for 2012 are: to excercise more and hopefully get Bailey out walking with me, work on getting more inventory in my
etsy store and keeping up on my blogging, which has been neglected severely lately. Do you set goal or resolutions for the new year? I do sometimes, but this year, I hope to keep up my goals!
Happy New Year and Cheers to New Beginnings!